Card Result

Saurabh Clean Tech Pvt. Ltd.

Saurabh Clean Tech

Company Statistics

Set up in Bhiwadi, Rajasthan, the company, post collecting polypropylene and polyethylene waste, segregates, washes and dries the material. It offers rPP / PE / LLDPE / PVC flakes and granules to be used in multiple applications at a capacity of 7,200 tonnes per annum.

7,200 TPA

rPP/PE Granules Capacity

Saurabh Clean Tech
Saurabh Clean Tech

Saurabh Clean Tech Pvt. Ltd.

About Pashupati Saurabh Clean Tech Pvt. Ltd.

The unit will have separation, washing, cleaning, grinding, drying and granulation as its main process. It will manufacture quality re-processed PP / PE / LLDPE / PVC granules to be supplied for varied product applications and will recycle inhouse PP / PE / LLDPE / PVC waste and also waste from the market.

Pashupati has taken another step in non-PET recycling through this unit towards its commitment to move forward with respect to its philosophy of a Zero Waste Group.

With initiation of this venture, the group accomplishes a signature performance of 100% utilisation of all contents received in PCR-PET business

Saurabh Clean Tech

Saurabh Clean Tech Pvt. Ltd.

Our Product

Saurabh Clean Tech

Saurabh Clean Tech Pvt. Ltd.

Infrastructure Details

The company has imported a complete washing plant from a reputed foreign supplier. The latest types of machinery have been procured to ensure the best quality outcome. Advanced quality control equipment is a part of the setup to offer FG quality acceptable for diversified applications. The facility ensures 100% power backup and ZLD to conform to our commitment towards customers and the environment.

Saurabh Clean Tech Pvt. Ltd.

Location Plot No.: G1-933-934, Industrial Area Khushkhera, Tehsil – Tejara, Alwar – 301707, Rajasthan (India)


Mobile +91-9634097028